Sunday, 15 June 2008

I am born. Again.

(end of term, night, lone)

Blew a last blast harmonica cry out my window, it rung a bright and throbbing echo through the benighted meadow quad like love throbs light in the mind and in the womb.
I am born. Again.
So it is summer, I am free - loosed - disengaged - breathe in, breathe out…and I breathe light as swallows catch and veer in the sun’s rising rays - freeing the echo that has throbbed, for throbbing hour upon echoing wombed throbbing hour, within me, casting careful and dear echoes outward into sound and light, so I shall seek, and catch, and veer, and join the swallows, with my dearest kin.

2:35am 16 June ‘08