Friday, 1 February 2008

Stream 15 - Light, Night and Images

Ah now yes here I could have such images in the unseen rush towards midnight even in the night such bright images even in the light such dark visions what need for electricity we have our own binary minds yes on off switch and there’s a language of our own see here now gothic dark spider webbed spiny carriage rattling along over uneven cobbles and the whole thing like bats wings sneaking through streets toward exquisite murder or pain or pleasure some orgiastic opium den what was is priapic yes maybe anyway that’s one image maybe another some glint in the distance yes now it rushes or I rush towards that bright valley sweeping through stone capped mountains and studded with gems of light yes the whole glorious bowl a crown of glory anointing this world and there some fellow on his horse all glinted and armed and armoured and breathing beneath the hung metal of his suit there’s flesh there and a torsion and a feeling of feeling a feeling of lightness and freedom and a smile upon his lips and the air flashing all around under the hung branches with catkins all around and some wonderful image of a woman on the banks of a hidden lake or pool hahh there you have images I suppose and yet here’s an ordinary sight yes there you are hung lamp slunk with your sixty watt bulb yes sixty watt max max and no more my friend I’m sorry but you will never blaze with light, although you play your part

Midnight 1st-2nd February ‘08

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